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Syrinx, L. 129, is a piece for solo flute written by Claude Debussy 1913. It’s the first solo piece written for the modern flute. Some stories say Syrinx was originally written by Debussy without bar-lines or breath marks. It surely is fun to play, as it leaves a lot of room for interpretation.

Below you can hear a performance of Syrinx done with the Flute from Infinite Woodwinds. The performance was rendered in every one of the 3 available spaces, plus a render of a Mozarteum version with a predominantly Close mic mix.

The Flute from Infinite Woodwinds handles all the vibrato changes with ease, and the vast dynamic range allows for a truly expressive virtual performance. The microphone combination is otherwise predominantly Main mics with recessed Ambient mics, and just a touch of Close mics added for detail.

As for the processing, there’s really nothing to it; only a mild two-band compressor with a rather high attack on the master, followed by subtle tape saturation.

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